Fara í efni

Karfan þín

Karfan er tóm.

Vörunúmer: dr6128

Dr. Seidel Sabunol Spray - Ticks&Fleas

1.842 kr.

Magn : 100 mL 

Notkunarleiðbeiningar : Úðið vörunni jafnt yfir feldinn úr 15 cm fjarlægð. Endurtakið ef þörf er á. Skammtur 0.01 ml/cm2.

Sprey sem eyðir flóm og blóðmaurum úr feldi gæludýra. Inniheldur tvö virk efni : permethrin and geraniol.

  • Permethrin – 1g/1kg
  • Geraniol – 0,5g/1kg

Öruggt fyrir menn og dýr. 

Vara eyðir í 100 % tilvika (miðað við prófanir) :

  • þroskuðum flóm
  • þroskuðum blóðmaurum
  • fló lirfum – samstundis eftir notkun 
  • óþroskuðum blóðmaurum
1.842 kr.

ATH. Do not use on cats. Do not allow the cat to lick off the preparation. Do not apply to animal skin and hair. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid release to the environment. Collect spillage. Dispose of contents/container to an authorised waste collection point. Contains permethrin. May cause allergic reaction. Do not induce vomiting. Immediately wash contaminated eyes with running water. Wash contaminated skin thoroughly with water and soap, and rinse with plenty of water. Inhalation – if you feel unwell, go to fresh air. Prolonged skin contact can result in dryness, eye contact – tearing and redness, ingestion – irritation of the digestive tract. Store in closed packages in room temperature. Dilute small amount of the product (at the consumer’s) with water, dispose to the sewage system, and rinse with large amount of water. Large amount of waste product should be delivered to an authorised disposal company.